Trowell C of E Curriculum Vision - Computing At Trowell C of E, all aspects of school life centre around our four core values. These values are the backbone of the school. They encompass our expectations of all members of our school community, and our ultimate goal for all the children we teach. They can be seen in our relationships, expectations, routines, policies and our curriculum. The key aims of our curriculum are promoted through our Computing curriculum in the following ways: | |
Love Others
Forgiveness Empathy Patience Friendship Kindness Generosity Care Thoughtfulness Honesty | E-safety taught in all year groups, including through annual World Safer Internet Day – promote value of kindness when online and digital citizenship.
Upper KS2 children taught about plagiarism online – honesty. |
Aim High
Ambition Pride Trust Independence | Children study a wide range of computing skills: coding, spreadsheets, touch typing, branching databases, simulations, modelling etc.
From Year 1, children taught how to present work using an increasing range of digital methods – promotes pride and increasing independence.
Coding lessons present children with increasing independence as they write more complex algorithms.
High expectation for vocabulary taught from Year 1 onwards – children learn technical vocabulary from Year 1.
In each unit of work, children have an opportunity to apply taught skills independently in an assessment task. |
Believe We Can Do It
Determination Confidence Self-Belief Resilience | Coding lessons focus on problem solving and teach children how to debug programs – promotes resilience and determination.
Children’s learning of computing skills – where appropriate – in applied and consolidated in other curriculum areas to further develop their confidence. |
Do The Right Thing
Understanding Self-Control Respect Courtesy Humility
| E-safety taught in all year groups, including through annual World Safer Internet Day – promote value of respect and digital citizenship. |