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Homework will be given out on Fridays and should be handed in the following Friday at the latest. Homework could be English or Maths, or sometimes both.  Homework will usually relate to the learning in class in a given week, but could be a form of revision of prior learning. The purpose of homework is to equip the children with the knowledge and skills to be successful in their learning, and recapping work at home helps to embed the learning that takes place at school. A further purpose of homework is to develop children's self-discipline, independence and organisational skills in preparation for secondary school.


Children will earn rewards for completing homework and handing it in on time. All children must complete set homework - this is an essential part of preparation for secondary school. Please contact me via email in the event of any unusual circumstances which interfere with homework, which will of course happen periodically.  Should your child forget their homework as a one-off, they will be able to bring this in on the following Monday.  Should your child regularly miss their weekly homework deadline, they will be asked to complete this at breaktimes. 


If your child is struggling with their homework, or you are unsure of how to support them, please come and see me. I am happy to offer guidance.


Periodically, normal homework may be suspended to allow for ‘project’ based homework.  In the run up to SATs tests, homework may be set more frequently.


Children will no longer be required to practise spellings at home for a weekly spelling test. They will, however, be asked to revise the year 3/4 and 5/6 spelling words at points throughout the year.
