Trowell C of E Curriculum Vision – Music At Trowell C of E, all aspects of school life centre around our four core values. These values are the backbone of the school. They encompass our expectations of all members of our school community, and our ultimate goal for all the children we teach. They can be seen in our relationships, expectations, routines, policies and our curriculum. The key aims of our curriculum are promoted through our Music curriculum in the following ways:
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Love Others
Forgiveness Empathy Patience Friendship Kindness Generosity Care Thoughtfulness Honesty | Curriculum enriched through opportunities to express themselves through Music.
Appreciation of others and their different opinions and music preferences. Respect different styles and genres from around the world. Friendships and bringing people together in the community, across the country and the world developed through Music. Developing sense of community through performances and celebrations and visiting people in the community. Recognising how music can generate feelings and emotions. Music is a unique form of communication for pupils to think about and reflect upon emotions and personal expression; language of emotion and feelings through music. Develop a sense of belonging/togetherness; connecting, working and listening to and collaborating with others and developing working relationships and developing patience. Showing appreciation and respect towards others when performing. Singing promotes a sense of well-being. Music enables enjoyment and enrichment within the whole community.
Aim High
Ambition Pride Trust Independence | Ambition – study of local musicians as well as renowned musicians, composers, lyricists and recognising and celebrating their achievements (Jake Bugg, Sheku Kanneh Mason) All children including SEND will be given the opportunity to learn to play an instrument and develop a sense of achievement and pride. Challenge is presented to them in learning how to play an instrument and read music. Across all year groups children will learn musical vocabulary/technical language and build upon this knowledge each year. Learn about the different elements of Music. Learning music promotes craftsmanship – produce good work rather than mediocre - this can be applied to all other curriculum areas. Children given opportunities to perform and evaluate own and others’ work individually and in a group - ambition, independence and pride promoted. Recognising and celebrating children’s achievements outside school. Breadth of understanding as children study wide range of Music from across the world. All children will be given the opportunity to learn to play an instrument.
Believe We Can Do It
Determination Confidence Self-Belief Resilience | Gaining confidence and self-believe through performances. Creativity developed through children composing their own work to perform. Performing a musical piece can bring fear and anxiety. Doing so teaches kids how to take risks and deal with fear, which will help them become successful and reach their potential. Developing skills, attributes and attitudes to apply to other curriculum areas – listening, concentration, creativity and self-confidence. Singing – develops confidence. Developing perseverance – not giving up and building resilience as Music can be a challenge. Practise, perseverance and determination are key to success. Personal reflection and development.
Do The Right Thing
Understanding Self-Control Respect Courtesy Humility
| Respect for Music in other cultures, religions and traditions - appreciation and understanding of a range of musical styles from around the world. Explore social and cultural values through Music. Respect others’ opinions and choices in music. Respecting instruments and equipment. Civil rights and the development of pop music. Use of rap music to generate own lyrics – linked to topics/values/global issues/bullying – use of songs for messages. |