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Trowell C of E Curriculum Statement

Last updated: March 2024


At Trowell C of E, we follow the National Curriculum, however we do so in a way that is unique to our own unique school.  We believe that, like every school, Trowell C of E has its own unique ‘DNA’, and thus we have devised a curriculum vision that is tailored to our locality, Christian values, and of course our children.


In devising our curriculum, we identified the following significant factors pertinent to our individual school:

  • Pupils generally achieve in line with or above national averages for Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
  • A greater number of pupils could achieve Greater Depth in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
  • The achievement of boys in Reading and Writing is below that of girls; the achievement of girls in Mathematics is generally below that of boys.
  • There is an increasing number of pupils with SEND or who present with social and emotional challenges.
  • We are a Church of England school.
  • The percentage of pupils who identify as Christian is 49%.
  • The local community is predominantly white-British, and there is a lack of cultural diversity within the school.
  • Pupils come from a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds, and there is a low percentage of pupils who are identified as disadvantaged.
  • The school has and is continuing to build close working relationships with parents.
  • Many children lack independence and resilience, particularly when presented with failure or disappointment.
  • Pupils’ skills in ICT require improvement.


In response to these factors, staff experience and research on what constitutes effective teaching and learning, we have devised a curriculum vision for our school.  Each subject and year group delivers a curriculum that is tailored to our specific identity.

Trowell C of E Curriculum Vision

At Trowell C of E, all aspects of school life centre around our four core values.  These values are the backbone of the school.  They encompass our expectations of all members of our school community, and our ultimate goal for all the children we teach.  They can be seen in our relationships, expectations, routines, policies and our curriculum. 

With this in mind, our school curriculum has the following key aims:

Love Others

  • Compliment our Christian ethos and values.
  • Develop social skills and an understanding of citizenship and community values.
  • Plan regular opportunities for working in partnership with parents.

Aim High

  • Challenge all pupils, and encourage them to reach up to and beyond their potential.
  • Teach the essential knowledge that children need to gain a breadth of understanding about the world.
  • Ensure that children who are disadvantaged receive a full curriculum offer and access to a wealth of experiences.
  • Learn essential computing skills needed for a future in a digital workforce

Believe We Can Do It

  • Promote creativity and provide opportunities for practical/’hands-on’ experiences.
  • Develop within children a growth mindset and sense of wellbeing.
  • Engender growing independence and resilience.

Do The Right Thing

  • Encourage and enable children to engage with real-world ethical issues.
  • Provide culturally diverse learning experiences and materials.
  • Enrich the curriculum with fun and memorable experiences that make school enjoyable.


Each curriculum subject is specifically planned so that in each year group, the above aims are delivered.

In addition, each curriculum subject is planned and taught in a deliberate sequence so that children develop and gradually build upon subject-specific:

  • Knowledge
  • Skills
  • Vocabulary


Details of how this is achieved in each curriculum subject can be found in subject specific curriculum vision documents.

Request for further information

If you would like to enquire further about the content our of curriculum, please send a request using this form. We will endeavour to respond to your question promptly.
