Our PSHE Curriculum forms a fundamental part of our whole school curriculum. PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) Education is taught on a weekly basis in class and provides children with lots of opportunities to share, discuss and reflect. To support our delivery of our PSHE Curriculum we follow ‘Kapow’. This helps to ensure that we offer a progressive curriculum.
As a part of your child’s educational experience at Trowell C of E Primary, we aim to promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive taught programme of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education that gives children and young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive, and fulfilled lives, both now and in the future.
The Department for Education announced changes to relationships and sex education following nationwide consultation and all schools are required to comply with the updated requirements.
At Trowell C of E Primary School, we believe in providing a broad and balanced curriculum for our pupils that also involves a comprehensive RSE (relationships and sex education) and Health scheme of work. We have RSE lessons from EYFS up to year 6 which follows the Christopher Winter Project (CWP) resource ‘Teaching SRE with Confidence in Primary Schools’. This programme reflects the recent developments in RSE and the Science National Curriculum and has been quality assured by the PSHE Association.
PSHE Association Training and Development Lead Jenny Barksfield says:
“We awarded the Christopher Winter Project’s ‘Teaching SRE with confidence in Primary Schools’ our quality mark as it achieves exactly what it says on the tin: it provides everything a Primary practitioner would need to be confident that the SRE they’re providing is comprehensive, balanced, developmental and in line with best practice in PSHE teaching and learning. The lessons incorporate a wide variety of learning activities and a range of assessment opportunities. The teacher’s guide is thorough and supportive.”
Within the resource there is an increased focus on safeguarding/keeping children safe. The resource also encourages children to develop the skills of listening, empathy, talking about feelings and relationships with families and friends.
The resources in this scheme are age and developmentally appropriate.
EYFS-Our Lives
Lesson 1- Our Day
Lesson 2- Keeping Ourselves Clean
Lesson 3- Families
Year 1- Growing and changing
Lesson 1- Keeping Clean
Lesson 2- Growing and Changing
Lesson 3- Families and Care
Year 2- Growing and changing
Lesson 1- Differences: Boys and Girls
Lesson 2- Differences: Male and Female
Lesson 3-Naming the Body Parts
Year 3- Valuing Differences and Keeping Safe
Lesson 1- Differences: Male and Female
Lesson 2- Personal Space
Lesson 3-Family Differences
Year 4- Growing up
Lesson 1- Growing and Changing
Lesson 2- What is Puberty?
Lesson 3-Puberty: Changes and Reproduction
Year 5- Puberty
Lesson 1- Talking about Puberty
Lesson 2- Male and Female Changes
Lesson 3-Puberty: Puberty and Hygiene
Year 6- Puberty, Relationship and Reproduction
Lesson 1- Puberty and Reproduction
Lesson 2- Understanding Relationships
Lesson 3- Conception and Pregnancy
Lesson 4- Communicating in Relationships
The RSE programme is delivered during the summer term and we communicate with parents before the start date to fully inform how the scheme will be delivered.
Click on the curriculum links below.