This term we will be covering multiplication of 2,3 and 4 digit numbers; division with larger numbers; problem solving using multiplication and division; multiplying fractions and finding fractions of a quantity; decimals up to 2 decimal places; Equivalent fractions and decimals (tenths, hundredths), thousandths as fractions, thousandths as decimals; ordering and comparing decimals (same number of decimal places); rounding numbers and finding percentages; reading and interpreting line graphs, tables and timetables.
We will be basing some of our work around the Katherine Rundell books including The Explorer.
Author study - Katherine Rundell
During the Spring Term the topics are Geography based: Modern Day Greece - studying physical and human features of Greece and life/culture of Greece and comparing Greece to the UK. Spring 2 we will be studying Rivers - their formation and features, life on a river and rivers around Europe and around the world.